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ILEA Committee Recruitment is OPEN!!

ILEA has so much to offer its members that we need creative, talented members like you to help keep all the facets moving together. Consider volunteering some of your time over this next year within one of these committees to help us move ILEA to the next level. Not only will you be giving back to the industry and the association you love so much, but you’ll also have fun and expand your network at the same time! For more information, visit our website. Let us know which committee you’re interested in joining today!


The role of this committee is to develop and recommend strategies for recruitment and retention of existing ILEA members. Current objectives include: gathering demographics, enacting strategic plans to grow membership, and evaluating member benefits and recognition.


Students/Emerging Professionals

This committee will assist in the development of strategy and project plans designed to connect students and emerging professionals within ILEA. Identify ways that ILEA can better address their needs and research and identify a model that can be implemented across chapters.


International Relations

The purpose of this committee is to oversee the international affiliate program, provide assessment and resources, and implement Board of Governors plans to expand ILEA’s international presence.



This committee has oversight of the Esprit Awards, Spirit of Excellence, and Membership Awards. The work ranges from conducting a review of award categories and criteria to marketing and judging.

Diversity & Inclusion

This committee is responsible for identifying objectives that aid ILEA in achieving our diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. Collect, create, and share information, education, and resources on DEI, including speakers, communications efforts, and more.

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